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Saturday, August 17, 2013

What a Week and Giveaway Winners

Happy Saturday, friends!

I am so glad that Saturday is here.  Let me explain my week.  Brayden started daycare on Monday.  I cried and cried and cried.  Tuesday I went to work in my classroom and forgot to take pictures to link up with Blog Hoppin'. Wednesday was my first official day back.  I was so tired from meetings and working in my classroom that I forgot to take pictures again.  Thursday was the same story.  Meetings and still forgot to take pictures.  The end of the week was near.  

Friday.  I was so glad Friday were here.  I was so, so tired.  The first weeks of school always drain me.  So, I pulled into the parking space to take Brayden into daycare.  He had been sneezing all morning, so I had wipes in the front seat so that I could wipe his nose.  I unbuckled the bottom part of his car seat and he once again sneezed.  I barely closed his door (like I've done so many times to avoid locking it) to get the wipe from the front seat when I realized that I had already locked the doors since we were getting out of the car.  Friends, I LOCKED my child in the car.  I thank God that it was a cool morning, but I was FREAKING out. I  was crying uncontrollably.  I can't even describe the fear that I had.  The fire station was called, and some very nice firemen broke into my car (it seemed like it took forever).  I've always been paranoid that I would lock my child in the car.  I'm always so careful.  The keys were not in the ignition, they were beside me in the seat.  It was just an awful accident.  

So, forgive my lack of blogging this week.  I really hate that I missed out on the rest of Teacher Week.  But, it's okay.  Meet the Teacher is Monday {EEEK} and I have so much to do.  So, I will be posting pictures of my classroom soon.  

And, now for the giveaway winners.  Thank you to everyone who entered.  If you are a winner, be on the lookout for an email or emails depending on what you won soon.

Last, I am so excited about the BIG Back to School Sale on TpT.  My cart is FULL, FULL, FULL. Shhhh...don't tell my husband. ;-) My store will be on sale as well.  Don't forget to use the Promo Code BTS13 for additional savings.  Yay for sales. 
Thanks to Krista for the adorable button!

I hope that everyone has a great weekend. I'm hoping that next week will be a better week for me!

Lots of love,


  1. Thank you! Thank you!

    My goodies are already arriving!


  2. Some day, I mean some day... when Brayden is much older... like when he is a senior in High school you WILL laugh about it, and say I was locked my child in the car. ((Hugs))

    1. Some day way far away. Thanks for the virtual hug. :-)

  3. I meant you once locked your child in... I need to work on rereading what I type-blast it!!
