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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted

Hello, friends!

I'm linking up with Flying into First Grade for her Let's Get Acquainted linky.  I absolutely love this linky because it gives you a chance to learn a little about me. 

This week's theme is Tic Tac Toe.  I can answer any of the 3 questions below, as long as it makes "Tic Tac Toe."

I am going to go vertical to win at Tic Tac Toe. ;-)

First, most of you know that I went to Clemson University.  Go Tigers!  One of my favorite memories was going to my first Clemson football game.  I got to sit on the "hill". My calves were killing me the next day.  I had a blast.  I finally talked my then boyfriend (who became my husband) to going with me.  We had a blast and have been to several since then.  The downside was that we lost.  That was not fun at all.  Being with "80,000 of your closest friends" in the stadium when we lose is such a sad feeling.  My favorite part of that experience was getting to watch the players rub Howard's Rock and run down the hill.  Unless you've been, it's an experience that you can't describe.  Love me some football!

Second, I have never shared with y'all my first year of teaching.  Well, I haven't because it was a rough year.  All I can do now is sit back and laugh.  

First I graduated in 2008.  I was one of the lucky people who did not get a job right out of college.  The district that I wanted to be in at the time wound up placing people in the open positions.  The positions that I interviewed for, I didn't get.  I was heartbroken.  I taught at summer academy that next summer and learned of an opening at the school that I teach at now.  It was for 5th grade, not the grade that I wanted.  I just knew that I had to find a job.  I wanted to be a teacher and it didn't matter the grade.  At the time, it really didn't.

Let me start by saying that the 5th graders in my school were COMPLETELY different than the 5th graders at the school that I did my student teaching with.

I loved my students individually, but as a class they were a rough group.  I stand at 5'0.  Almost every single one of them were taller than me.  I learned that I am more of a primary teacher.  I didn't know how to control these kids.  I really didn't.  I'll never forget one of my girls getting in my face and yelling at me.  I had one boy throw his desk across the room.  Like I said, it was a rough year.  I was doing fine up until Christmas break.  It seemed like after Christmas, they changed.  I officially had middle schoolers.  EEEK!  I didn't know what to do with the drama and the attitudes that were forming.  5th grade wasn't for me. I asked to go to another grade level at the end of that year.  I was placed in 2nd grade, where I feel at home. I learned A LOT my first year of teaching. Those kids will hold a special place in my heart.  

Last, I love 2nd grade.  I know I have only taught two grades (3 if you count student teaching which I did in 3rd grade), but I think I can honestly say that 2nd grade is the best.  2nd graders are "independent".  Independent meaning that I can tell them what to do and most of them can do it without any problems.  They also still love school.  Remember those 5th graders above, most of them hated school.  It's hard to work with a group of students who have already formed a disliking for school.  They also still love their teacher.  These kids give me hugs all day long.  I need that.  That's where I fit in.  They are just precious. 

The growth that they make in 2nd grade is unbelievable!  2nd graders grow so much mentally and physically.  2nd grade is the transition into the intermediate grades. They start out as little 1st graders when they enter my room.  My goal is to turn them into excellent readers, writers,and mathematicians. My goal is for them to be able to be independent for longer periods of time. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

Lots of love,


  1. I agree with not being an upper grade teacher. I love the little ones so much more. This year I have been moved to 3rd so I'm curious how it will be. I'm just excited to have a job again after being without one for the last two years after having one for 5 years. You are so lucky to also have been able to stay in the same grade. I have officially taught every grade K through 5 lol.

    1. I am very lucky! I have a friend that I work with who's been in a different grade ever year she's been there. This is the first time that she's gotten to stay in the same grade as last year. You'll love 3rd grade. They are much more independent and can read pretty well (for the most part). Good luck to you!

  2. Jeannie,

    Ran across your blog on Common Core & So Much More's blog list. I've taught K-5 and college in my 42 years and have been in 2nd for the last 7 years. I agree, it is a good age. They're just like little sponges.

    Hope you'll drop by my blog, check it out, and maybe even become one of my Wagoneers.

    Jill, your newest follower

  3. They are just like sponges! :-) You are exactly right. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be sure check out your blog.
