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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February Currently

Hello, friends!

I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy, Fourth Grade for February's Currently.  I know I'm a little late, but better late than never! :-)

First, my husband found a show on TNT called Castle.  It's one of those mystery crime shows which I normally don't get into.  However, I LOVE this show.  Highly addictive!

I'm loving the warm weather that has hit the South these last few days.  I'm hoping the groundhog was right and warmer weather is on its way.  I hate the cold!!

I thinking that 15 parents will be fun on our field trip tomorrow.  I have a love/hate relationship with field trips.  You never know how the trip is going to turn out.  We are going to the Children's Museum and they require 1 chaperone for every 5 kids.  That's A LOT of parents!

I'm wanting to have my pre-baby body back.  I'm going to the beach for Spring Break in April and dread getting into a bathing suit.  I need to exercise, but I can't find the time.  

I'm needing to grade papers.  I usually don't get this behind, but I have.  They WILL all be graded this weekend.  That's the plan anyway! :-)

My biggest pet peeve is lying.  I can't stand when people lie to each other.  Just tell the truth.  You'll eventually get caught anyway!

Link up with Farley and let us know what you are "currently" doing in February.

Lots of love,


  1. The weather today was gorgeous! Hope you have a great field trip.
    My Second Sense

  2. I also love Castle. I think it is because I LOVED the show Firefly and Nathan Fillion started there.

    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. I haven't seen those shows. Looks like I might need to! :-)

  3. I am so glad I was introduced to your blog through Farley's Currently! Um...15 parents on your field trip tomorrow?! I am JEALOUS! What's your secret! Enjoy your warm weather!

    YoungTeacherLove Blog

    1. 15 parents for the whole grade level, not just my class. Don't be too jealous! :-)

  4. Oh I am so with you on so much of this! Pre baby body... My daughter is 19mos and I am still not where I want to be. But I am always so tired!! Oy and the paper grading. I can't get caught up! One thing that does help is taking papers every time I take my kids to the bathroom or a special class. Those few minutes waiting in the hall I can usually get a stack graded.
    Third Grade Tidbits

    1. Good idea! I'll have to start doing that! Thanks, Gina!

  5. I know what you mean about loving this warmer weather the south has had for a few days! I am also loving it!

    I am your newest follower.

    Mrs. B's Nook

  6. I came over from Farley's! I love Castle!
    I would love for you to link up anything technology you might have at my newest feature, Thursday's Tech Tips for Teachers!
    Fern's Thursday's Tech Tips for Teachers!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who likes Castle! ;-)

  7. I came over from Farley's linky, and completely relate to your pet peeve of lying. My favorite is the please spit out your gum request I make followed by their denial of gum while smacking gum. Silly students...

    1. What gum...smack...smack...smack? Silly students!
