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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bright Ideas Blog Hop: Classroom Motivators

Hello, Friends!

I am so excited to be part of this amazing blog hop. No advertisements, no products, just bright ideas. Get your notebooks out as you learn some tips and tricks from over 180 fabulous bloggers!

I wanted to share today a way that I keep students quiet in the hallway. Two words: Mystery Walkers.

First, sorry for the look of the container. We've used this sense August and the adorable paper I had surrounding the container finally broke. Still works regardless of how it looks. 

All you need is a container with a lid, I used a Crystal Light container, and Popsicle sticks. 

Here's how it looks in my classroom.

My line leader for the week gets to pick who the mystery walkers are every time we leave the classroom. If they are quiet and showing correct hallway behavior, my line leader awards them with a treasure token. (Our school gives out Treasure Tokens for following expectations)

I don't have my students decorate their own sticks because the people chosen has to be a secret. ;-) Just blank sticks with their names on it.

This works every time. Such a simple motivator to keep them quiet in the hallway. :-) Easy, peasy and the kids LOVE it.  

Lastly, the sweet Blair from One Lesson at a Time has an AWESOME idea to help you collect homework.  Click below to for another bright idea.

One Lesson at a Time

More Bright Ideas for Grade 3 and up:

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I have done something like this before! Except I pick the mystery walker and then if that person is perfect in the hall the class gets a letter towards their monthly incentive or gets to pull their clips up. I think my line leader would blab to the person that they pulled the stick for haha.
    Third Grade Tidbits

    1. Haha! My line leaders haven't blabbed yet. ;-)

  2. Great idea! I usually pick the mystery walker as we are walking! Love the idea about getting the children involved. I could see some of my line leaders blabbing! hehe

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

    1. I was worried mine would blab, but they've loved keeping the secret. :-)

  3. Knowing my kiddos, they would blab!!!
