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Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Look Back at My Week


I've been a SUPER slacker blogger lately.  The beginning of the school year always drains me. I really do LOVE my new set of kiddos.  They are so sweet, still super talkative though.  I started Class Dojo this week and that fixed the problem for most.  LOVE it!  

So, what's been going on in my classroom this week?

In math, we began our new unit on adding and subtracting.  We've been practicing what to do in each center.  

In reading, I started Daily 5 last week.  We are up to 15 minutes in reading and writing.  Read to Someone is at 5 minutes.  I've been following what the sisters have told me to do, and it's really been working.  I can't wait to get all of my centers up and running and turn them loose.  I know they'll do great.

We've been talking about bullying this week.  We learned to tell the person to stop, walk away, and tell a teacher if it's still bothering us.  Check out these pictures.  I love how mean I look in one on the right.

We started Writing Workshop this week. We've been writing like pros and jamming out to Jewel.  Thank you, Amanda from Teaching Maddeness for letting me know about her kid friendly album.  Check it out from iTunes, friends.  I love Jewel!

In WORD, we've been practicing some first grade word wall words.  We played Ghost Writing this week.  This game is always a hit with my students.  They "write" the word on their partner's back and their partner has to guess which word it is.  So much fun!

Lastly, football season has arrived.  Football is my favorite part of Fall. My Clemson Tigers won against Georgia last night!  Love me some football and love me some Tigers!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!  


  1. The beginning of the year is always so tiring and I always forget how tiring it is!! I watched the game last night too and was cheering on your Tigers!
    A Tall Drink of Water

    1. I forget, too! Yay for you cheering on the Tigers. :-)

  2. The beginning of school has been super tiring! We watched part of the Clemson game last night since my TN VOLS weren't on tv.
