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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Non-Fiction Blues

Happy turkey week, friends!

I am SO, SO excited that tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  The one day of the year when I feel that it is okay to eat and eat and eat.  I am lucky enough to have had today off from work (we go back on Monday) and was thinking about my kiddos.  In my reading center, I had them doing a non-fiction scavnger hunt. Needless to say, I realized we have A LOT of work to do on understanding non-fiction text features.  The week after next, I will be reading only non-fiction texts during Interactive Read Aloud and really focusing on that non-fiction standard.  From what I've heard about the Smarter Balanced tests that will be coming to my state very soon, there is a lot of non-fiction reading involved.  To help them remember the text features, I made some colorful posters.  I can't wait to hang them in my room for my kiddos to use.  We will be doing another non-fiction scavenger hunt and I am hoping that they really start to understand the non-fiction text features.  Click on the picture below to download the non-fiction text features posters that I created.  I hope you can use them with your kiddos!  I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway to win tons and tons of great prizes from my blogger friends. Click here to go back to that post. 

Lots of love,


  1. Love the posters!


  2. Love your ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Your blog is adorable! I love the monkeys! I found your blog through the Realistic Teacher's Liebster nominations. I am a new follower!
    Second Grade is Out of This World

  4. It is amazing that you have 100 followers! I'm slow and go to get there. Your blog is a great insiratio.
    I nominated you for a LIebster Award. Head on over to my blog to check it out.

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  5. Here is another nomination! hehe

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my blog for all the details

    Christina :)
    Check out my blog!
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  6. Thank you! You're blog is adorable!
